Thursday, September 28, 2006

Surprise, surprise, surprise!

I got Gomer Piled today! I went into the doctors office for what I thought was routine weekly blood work only to find out that I was scheduled for my 5th cycle of chemo today! It got confusing because I rearranged things to go on my Who World trip. I am glad it worked out this way because I have lots of Real World stress at home right now and I was worried about being mentally prepared for my 5th round since the 4th round was sort of rough. They pulled a sneak attack and sometimes the best way to prepare for something like this is to not be prepared at all!

The cycle went just fine, my blood pressure is still a little low 90/52 but they kept pinching me to make sure I'm alive. I am!

One more cycle and I am done!

Stand back and watch me shine!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Over the Hump!

I had treatment #4 today, I am more then half way done!!! I don't know why the numbers are so important to me but they are. I see light at the end of the tunnel. Well at least for this phase of the treatment anyway! I still have 3 phases after this but let's not get ahead of ourselves!

Treatment today was good, I normally have treatment on Monday but for scheduling reasons on my part and the office part we changed it and it all worked out for the best!

I don't like rehashing the same old thing but it was the same old thing. Only one change, my blood pressure. My highest pressure today was 82/57 and my lowest was 77/50. They were just waiting for me to pass out I think, I felt completely normal, no dizziness, no nothing! The nurses were looking at me like I was crazy! I normally run low (around 90/60) but this was a new low even for me! Otherwise all is well, thank God!

Remember to...........

Stand back and watch me shine!